
Voru, Estonia

March 2009

Flag City Country School Latitude (°) +N/-S Longitude (°) +E/-W
Voru Estonia Kreutzwald Gymnasium 57.850 27.017
Date Gnomon Shadow Angle
March 20 203 cm 312 cm 56°57’ = 56.95°
Vastseliina Estonia
Boarding School
Longitude 27°16′ E
Latitude 57°45’ N
Angle + 56°57’ = +56,95°

- Date of measurement  03/24/09
- Height of the gnomon 203 cm
- Lenght of the shadow 312 cm Our first partner - equator
- Latitude 00° 00’ 00’’
- Angle of the sun 0° -Distance to equator 6416 km
- Circumference : 6416 km * 360° / (56.95° - 0°) = 40557,7 km Our second partner - Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu, Romania
- Latitude 45°48’ N
- Height of the gnomon 95 cm
- Lenght of the shadow 98 cm
- Angle of the sun 45°53’ = 45.891°
- Distance to Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu, Romania 11.9447° x 111.111 km = 1327 km
- Circumference: 1327 km * 360° / (56.95° - 45.891°) = 43197,4 km Our third partner - College Antonin Perbosc, France
- Latitude 44°08’ N
- Height of the gnomon 100 cm
- Lenght of the shadow 97 cm
- Angle of the sun 44°7’ = 44.128°
- Distance to College Antonin Perbosc, France 13.6114° x 111.111 km = 1512km
- Circumference : 1512km * 360° / (56,95° - 44.128°) = 42452 km

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