
Mirepoix France

June 2009

Flag City Country School Latitude (°) +N/-S Longitude (°) +E/-W
Mirepoix France Ecole publique 43.750 0.667
Date Gnomon Shadow Angle
June 21 100 cm 40 cm 21°48’ = 21.801°
Mirepoix France
Ecole Primaire
Longitude 00°40’ E
Latitude 43°45’ N
Angle + 21°48’ = +21,80°

- gnomon 1m
- ombre 40cm
- angle 21,80°=21°48’

Calculations with Caseros
- difference of latitude 43°45’ - (-34°36’) = 78°21’ = 78.35°
- distance between the parallels : 78.35° x 111.111 km = 8706 km
- difference of the angle of the Sun : 21,8° - (-58,0°) = 79,8°
- circumference of the Earth : 8706 x 360° / 79,8 = 39 275 km

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